Code Signing for Windows as an Individual Developer
(TL;DR: Get code signing working for Windows with immediate SmartScreen reputation via Github Action, check this sample repository to see how simple it can get once everything is setup)
(Part one of my series on code-signing / distributing apps, check Part 2 on Apple)
For the longest time, code signing on Windows required to buy certificates from rather sketchy companies (Sectigo / DigiCert / etc…). This also required quite a lengthy process with terrible customer services to get verified (requiring in some case to hire a Lawer or CA), exorbitant prices (500$+ / year) and the use of primitive technologies (forcing to use internet explorer to generate the private key).
Finally, Microsoft recently launched a service under Azure to help ease this process and get ready in just a few minutes with a relatively affordable price and easy verification for Individual Developer.
(this post is not sponsored, I was just quite relieved to see there was finally a viable solution)
What is Code Signing
Ever saw a scary warning while downloading a EXE?

This is because the application is NOT code signed. This is an awful experience for anyone trying to download something and as a developer, is gut wrenching to feel powerless to remove this barrier without caving in to the Certificates Mafia Monopoly.
(to be fair, if your app gets enough downloads, at some unknown point in times, Microsoft will remove this warning but nothing is certains)
Code Signing is a great practice and ensure that the EXE hasn’t been tampered with and comes from the developer who built it by using a cryptographic hash. If a code signed application is found to have malware, the certificate can be revoked and Windows won’t allow it to be run.
Apple have been doing this too for a while but the process is rather painless and affordable through their Apple Developer Program (which anyone making iOS app already have anyway).
Linux doesn’t have any of that (in the context of scary popup from downloading binaries in the browser).
Setup code signing in Azure

Create an account (new account come with free credits) and sign in to the Azure portal.
Makes sure you use the link above and click Try Azure for free or Pay as you go and fill the forms, otherwise you might get connected to the Microsoft Services tenant instead of your own and will see authentication issues.
You should have a default Subscription / Tenant (if not, you didn’t fill the forms as stated above).
Register the Trusted Signing resource provider
In the Azure portal, search for Subscriptions service, click on your subscription.
Select Resource providers under Settings on the left panel.
Search for Microsoft.CodeSigning, click on “…” and select Register.
Create a Trusted Signing account
In the Azure portal, search for Trusted Signing Accounts service and Create one.
Fill the form by selecting your Subscription, select Create new for Resource group (use any name you want). Pick an Account name (any name you want), a Region and finally a Pricing tier.
Assign roles
In the Azure portal, search for Trusted Signing Accounts service and select the account you just created.
On the left panel select Access Control (IAM) and pick Add / Add role assignment.
Search for Trusted Signing, you’ll see two roles (Trusted Signing Certificate Profile Signer and Trusted Signing Identity Verifier) you’ll need to add both, one at a time.
Select one role, go Next, click on + Select members, select your user and click Review + assign.
Repeat for the second role.
Create an identity validation request
In the Azure portal, search for Trusted Signing Accounts service and select your account.
On the left panel, under Settings / Objects click Identity validations. On the top-left dropdown (Organization) switch to Individual and then click New identity / Public. -
Fill the form with your name, address, etc. and click Create.
After a little while the status will change to Action Required, click on your name and click the link under “Please complete your verification here”.
You’ll then start the verification process which requires a mobile phone, some government IDs (I used my driver license) and the Microsoft Authenticator App. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy and streamlined the process was. Simply follow the instructions, which is pretty much take selfie, take picture of ID and scan some QR code. Makes sure to use an ID where you can see your address.
Once this is done, it takes around 5-10 minutes before the status changes to Completed.
Create a Certificate profile
In the Azure portal, search for Trusted Signing Accounts service and select your account.
On the left panel, under Settings / Objects click Certificate profiles. Then click on Create / Public Trust. -
Pick a name for your certificate, including the address / post code is optional. Click Create.
(don’t worry about the expiration date, the certificate auto-renew every 24h)
Sign your app locally
You are now ready to sign your first application!
Note some values
First, we need to takes note of a few variables, copy your Trusted Signing account name you used earlier (also take note of the Location)
Find your Certificate profile name as well.
You also need your Tenant ID, search for Microsoft Entra ID in the Azure portal and copy the value.
Install SignTool
For the next steps, I used PowerShell 7, makes sure you are also up-to-date with dotnet (8+).
Install the Trusted Signing Tools / Azure CLI via winget (or via installer)
winget install -e --id Microsoft.Azure.TrustedSigningClientTools
winget install -e --id Microsoft.AzureCLI
Now we need an additional file (Azure.CodeSigning.Dlib.dll) that is only available in the latest Microsoft.Trusted.Signing.Client nuget (click on Download package on the right).
(.nupkg are simply .zip files, so rename it and extract it somewhere, remember it’s path)
Sign your EXE
Create a JSON file with the variables we noted above (save the path)
"Endpoint": "",
"CodeSigningAccountName": "<TRUSTED_SIGNING_ACCOUNT_NAME>",
"CertificateProfileName": "<CERTIFICATE_PROFILE_NAME>"
Based on the Location of your account, use the correct Endpoint url
"East US" = ""
"West US3" = ""
"West Central US" = ""
"West US 2" = ""
"North Europe" = ""
"West Europe" = ""
Login to Azure using your Tenant ID
az login --tenant <TENANT_ID>
Now we can sign any EXE! Notice that the value 10.0.22621.0
might change in the future.
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x64\signtool.exe" `
sign /v /debug /fd SHA256 /tr "" /td SHA256 `
/dlib "<PATH_TO_MICROSOFT_TRUSTED_SIGNING_CLIENT>\bin\x64\Azure.CodeSigning.Dlib.dll" `
/dmdf "<PATH_TO_JSON>" `
Congrats! You now have a code signed app! Upload it somewhere and use your browser to download it, notice how there is no scary popup at all anymore!
Sign your app with Github Action
Now that everything works locally, we can easily automate the code signing steps using Github Action.
Create an App
In the Azure portal, search for App registrations service and click on New registration.
Give it a name and select the Single Tenant option, click on Register.
In your newly created app, note the Application (client) ID.
Select Manage / Certificates & secrets and click on New client secret, give it a name & expiration date and note the Value.
(sadly the “no expiration” option is not available anymore)
Assign roles
We also need to add the Trusted Signing Certificate Profile Signer role to the app just like we did on our user.
In the Azure portal, search for Trusted Signing Accounts service and select your account. -
On the left panel select Access Control (IAM) and pick Add / Add role assignment.
Search for Trusted Signing Certificate Profile Signer, go Next
Click on + Select members, search for your App name (it won’t show up by default) and click Review + assign.
Create GIT repository
Create your git repository on Github, or clone my sample repository which includes a basic C++ application.
Add these 6 secrets to your repository (Settings / Security / Secrets and variables / Actions, click New repository secret).
: Your app secret valueAZURE_SIGNING_ACCOUNT
: Your Trusted Signing Accounts nameAZURE_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE
: Your Certificate profile nameAZURE_TENANT_ID
(Save those variables inside a Password Manager for re-use in future projects as they won’t change)
Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT)
(Optional) We also need to generate a Personal Access Token for Github if you want to test the sample Release workflow.
Visit your settings page and click on Generate new token and select Generate new token (classic).
We need all the repo scope enabled. Set no expiration. Click Generate token and save the value.
Save this secret in the github repository for your project:
: The value of your newly generated token
Create worflow file
Create a workflow file in your repository (.github/workflows/windows.yml)
name: Build Windows
name: Build Windows
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Add msbuild to PATH
uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v2
- name: Build app for release
working-directory: CodeSignCpp
run: msbuild /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform=x64
- name: Sign files with Trusted Signing
uses: azure/trusted-signing-action@v0.5.1
azure-tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
azure-client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
azure-client-secret: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET }}
endpoint: ${{ secrets.AZURE_ENDPOINT }}
trusted-signing-account-name: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SIGNING_ACCOUNT }}
certificate-profile-name: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE }}
files-folder: ${{ github.workspace }}\CodeSignCpp\bin\Release-x64
files-folder-filter: exe,dll
file-digest: SHA256
timestamp-digest: SHA256
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: build-windows
path: CodeSignCpp/bin/Release-x64
Thanks to the azure/trusted-signing-action action, all the heavy works is done, leaving us with a pretty simple workflow.
Run the action
You can then start the action by going to the Actions tabs, selecting your action (Build Windows) and click on Run workflow.
Once the action has finished running, you can see the uploaded artifact and download your signed application!
See the result for yourself: Signed / Unsigned
Immediate SmartScreen reputation as well! Which is something that even some of the expensive code signing certificates don’t supply.
I am really glad Microsoft finally made it easy and affordable to code sign EXE on Windows, hopefully they will keep the price low for individual developer. Now, any new project I do, I can simply copy / paste the secrets into the new repository, copy the workflow file and be setup with code signing in just a few seconds.
Code-signing / distributing app series:
- Part 1: Code Signing for Windows as an Individual Developer
- Part 2: Code Signing for Apple without a mac
- Part 3: Code Signing for Android via Github Actions
- Part 4: Build and publish your Unity Game using Github Actions